What sets us apart on the job market?
Because Collège Air Richelieu’s ACS and DCS flight training programs include integrated ATPL training, Transport Canada’s SARON/SAMRA exams for the ATPL are also an integral part of our training. This means that—unlike at a school offering modular training only—our students reach the end of their training with the opportunity to become first officers!
In addition, thanks to our pathway agreements, our top graduates from the integrated ATPL college programs have direct access to selection interviews for companies such as Jazz Aviation and Airmedic.
Our pathway agreements also include a component for our flight instructors—also hired because they were among our top graduates.
Curious to know where our graduates are working now?

The market
« The most important question is not whether a pilot shortage will re-emerge, but when it will occur […]. *
Oliver Wyman consulting (1)
The economic structure of civil aviation has, of course, been shaken by the global pandemic. However, the projected number of job openings in this field is expected to be substantially higher than the number of job seekers, resulting in a labour shortage during the 2019−2028 period (2).
According to the Air Transport Association of Canada (ATAC), air transport accounts for more than 600 companies nationally. It is subdivided into various sectors including the hiring of air taxis, short runs, wide-body aircraft, the corporate transport industry, piloting schools and aerial work. (3)
* See the articles below for these sources.

Jazz Pathway
This pathway was set up with the collaboration of Jazz Aviation to give our most deserving instructors and students (in ATPL-integrated college programs) direct access to selection interviews. A pathway with Airmedic has also been established.
A. T. O.
Approved Training Organization
Building on its excellent reputation, Collège Air Richelieu signed an agreement with Transport Canada in 2020, certifying the college as an Approved Training Organization (ATO).